Prime Minister Xhaferi visits the Memorial Centre in Prekaz

Today the President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, during his visit to the AAB College in Prishtina, paid a visit to the city of Prekaz
where the Memorial Centre “Adem Jashari” is located to pay personal respect by laying flowers on the graves of the victims whose remains are buried there.

The grave is an eternal home to almost 56 members of the family Jashari who on 5th,6th and 7th March 1998 were killed on their doorstep during the fight for freedom and
independence of their homeland. At the same time PM Xhaferi visited some of the members of the family Jashari who are a living memory of those extremely important,
but also painful days from the history of the Republic of Kosovo.

These are the dates when the epic of KLA is marked and this Memorial Centre is the place which numerous citizens and immigrants visit to pay their respect to this reminder
of the fight for freedom.