Macedonia - Belgium Business Forum in Brussels
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, along with Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, Minister for Foreign Investments Vele Samak and Director of the Directorate of Technological Industrial Development Zones Viktor Mizo, presented Tuesday in Brussels the opportunities Macedonia has been offering for doing business.
The event, titled Macedonia – Belgium Business Forum, was focused on the spheres that offer room for cooperation, MIA's correspondent reported from Brussels.
Addressing the event, Gruevski elaborated the favorable conditions for investing in Macedonia, as an attractive business destination.
"The Republic of Macedonia with its economic potential, hard work and dedication has manged to substantially improve the competitiveness of its economy, turning the country into a rather attractive business destination. For the last few years, the Government has been working on both improving the business climate and establishing an institutional architecture for attracting foreign investments," Gruevski said.
Referring to the macroeconomic indicators, Gruevski mentioned the liberalization of the foreign exchange transactions, long-term stability, namely low inflation of 2.0 percent for the last ten years, balanced public finances, stable foreign exchange rate. He also listed the tax benefits and simplification of the business regulations, as well as the favorable conditions being offered to investors in the technological-industrial development zones in Macedonia.
Belgium is a significant trade partner to Macedonia, but the global economic crisis has substantially reduced the scope of the trade exchange between the two countries, the PM said.
He invited Belgian investors to visit Macedonia and exercise the benefits it was offering for realization of their business plans.
According to the economic statistical data, Belgium is among the 25 best trade partners of Macedonia.
Macedonia has registered a trade exchange surplus in the last years and from the beginning of 2011 it has been at 13.8%.
The total value of trade exchange between the two countries amounts US$ 74.6 by end of Sept. 2011 or 0.8% from the total exchange of Macedonia in the world.
Today, Gruevski is also scheduled to meet Kris Peeters, Minister-President of the Flemish Government.
Tomorrow, Gruevski will attend the 20th Congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the summit of heads of state and government from EPP party members in Marseilles.
Gruevski from France will head for the Hague to meet the president of VNO-NCW, the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers and representatives of several large companies. The following day Gruevski will take part at a Macedonian-Dutch Business Forum.