Ministry of Information Society and Administration

02 3200 870
„Св.Кирил и Методиј“, број 54, Скопје
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Ministry of Information Society and Administration performs works and duties related to:

  • Development and promotion of information society; 
  • Creating and maintenance of Registry of Information and Communication Systems and Information Equipment within the frames of the state administration bodies; 
  • Integrated ICT network, data bases, inter-connectivity and exchange of information, security aspects and development of infrastructure of national bodies, legal entities and other persons who are assigned, by law, to perform public authorizations; 
  • Monitoring of conditions with ICT and introduction of international standards; 
  • Telecommunication and telecommunication infrastructure; 
  • Broadcasting and broadcasting infrastructure; 
  • Legal regulation of administration related issues; 
  • Supervision and securing single application of regulations referring to state and public administrative officers; 
  • Development of policy related to issues, obligations, responsibilities and assessment of state and public administrative officers; 
  • Maintenance of Registry for National and Public Administrative Officer; 
  • Preparation of strategic documents for efficient and effective operation, training and professional development of state and public administrative officers, organization and implementation of training; 
  • Development and coordination of policies related to human resources management; 
  • Reforms in public administration; 
  • Performing surveillance under their authority; and 
  • Performing other duties as stipulated by Law.