Gruevski: Brussels talks not a success
We did not accept a technocratic government, an interim government or anything similar in Brussels. There were different ideas by the people who tried to help, but Zaev rejected them all. I do not consider this a success, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on Saturday.
He referred to the statement of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who said things moved in a positive direction following the Brussels talks among the country's political leaders.
"He sees the impasse in negotiations and their failure, which damages Macedonia and its economy, as a positive direction and success. I do not see this as a success", Gruevski told reporters after visiting the site of the Tatarcev house in Resen.
According to him, Zaev rejected all proposals.
"Finally, he put forward a proposal that I rejected. I hope talks will continue in one way or another", said Gruevski.
Regarding the possibility of elections, he said VMRO-DPMNE was always prepared for them.
"If SDSM wants them, elections can be held in July, August, September, November, April of next year. We believe in our work, believe that citizens respect this, and believe that we will again win an overwhelming majority", underlined Gruevski.