Russian market is open for Macedonia's meat and dairy industry

Microbiological validity, detection of the presence of food contaminants and residues and the use of raw materials – which should be generally produced in Macedonia, but it is also allowed to originate from countries which export goods in Russia – are the key conditions required to be met by Macedonian companies in order to sell products on the Russian market.

This was stated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Mihail Cvetkov and the director of the Agency for Food and Veterinary, Zoran Popovski after a visit they paid on Wednesday to a leading meat packing plant in eastern Macedonia, MIK Sveti Nikole.

Following controls by Russian teams conducted since July, it has been concluded that of 15, only three companies or four plants for meat products are meeting the required criteria. The remaining establishments – nine in the dairy industry and six in the meat industry – are urged in the next 60 days to correct the detected shortcomings.

“With 8,000 employees in the meat industry, if Macedonia manages to produce quality products for a price that is competitive on the market, then all export barriers are lifted and new markets are available,” stressed Minister Cvetkov.

The Food Agency, its director said, will help manufacturers implement requirements needed to export goods in Russia.

“Macedonia’s legislation is adjusted to the European one and is partially different from Russian legislation and thus efforts must be made in this regard in order to provide conditions required by our Russian peers,” Popovski said.

Macedonia so far only exported fruits and vegetables in Russia as a new opportunity is being opened for the meat and dairy industry, according to the chair of the Macedonian-Russian Chamber of Commerce.

“The business community together with the institutions has unlocked the doors and now it is up to the companies to plan their production process in order to be able to export more products in Russia,” stated Dejan Besliev.

Statistics offers different figures involving Macedonian-Russian exchange of goods – according to Macedonian data trade exchange with Russia in the first six months of 2015 was $13.9 million, while Russian statistics suggests it stood at $46 million.