9,944 young people find jobs through employment measure, call issued for 700 interns

700 jobless young people will be able to apply at an internship ad starting tomorrow. Those chosen as interns will receive state compensation estimated at approximately EUR 100 in the next three months. Afterwards, they could be employed in some of the private companies through the measures offered by Macedonia Employs project, even though employers are not obligated to employ interns. 9,944 people have been employed so far through the 1+1 measure for people under 29 alone as part of this project.

“Today, the new public call for internship is being issued, which is a measure intended for young unemployed people who have just graduated from high school or university or are studying at the moment. The internship of 700 jobless people will be financed in private companies across Macedonia, who will receive a monthly state compensation of EUR 100 in a period of three months, while the employers will have no obligation to keep them at work,” Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov told a news conference on Friday.

Despite the fact that employers are not obligated to offer a job to the interns, the percent of successfulness of this measure is 65% with 2,210 unemployed people being covered by it, he elaborated.

The first public call was issued earlier this year.

“The companies are encouraged to offer jobs to them by the opportunity to use the remaining benefits, i.e. the measure exempting them from paying social benefits and personal tax for people under 29 for one year,” he said.

The measure, introduced in March 2014, runs until March 2016.

So far, 9,944 people have been employed under the measure. “The figure is quite significant when it comes to people under the age of 29 finding jobs,” Minister Spasov noted.