Awards for three most innovative regional development projects
Projects in the fields of tourism and education are the most innovative in the aspect of regional development, the Ministry of Local Self-Government, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) have decided.
Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski expressed hope at the award-presentation ceremony that the event would become traditional, contributing to the use of all creative potentials and innovative solutions, stimulating equal economic development and increasing the competitiveness of regions and the country in general.
"Over 300 projects realized through the Equal Regional Development Programme 2009-2014 applied this year. The awards in the form of financial assistance are allocated by the Ministry of Local Self-Government, GIZ and SDC", said Pesevski.
Minister of Local Self-Government Lirim Sabani said that besides idea and knowledge, the funds were the most important prerequisite for good projects, since the Ministry's intention was for projects to get the support from the EU IPA funds.
The first award in the amount of MKD 110,000 (EUR 1,800) went to the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region for the project on rehabilitation of a portion of the Lake Dojran coastline. The second, worth MKD 90,000 (EUR 1,500) is given to the project for modernization of pre-school education through programmes for proper psycho-physical development of the Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region, while the third in the amount of MKD 80,000 (EUR 1,300) went to the project for construction of a regional tourism bureau of the Center for Development of the North-East Planning Region.