Government measures create jobs for 18.346 people, Spasov says

Deputy Labour Minister Dime Spasov accompanied by the officials of the Employment Agency and of the Local Self-Government in Kavadarci visited Wednesday Kavadarci-based company “Td-Td” which as Spasov said is successful company that utilised government employment measures.

We always try to achieve close contact with companies in the country in order to present the possibilities and measures offered by the government and to assist in finding staff which they can employ. But we also hear their suggestions and proposals for measures we realize, because these measures mean new jobs, Spasov said.

Spasov said that the Kavadarci-based company has doubled the number of employees through two projects realised by the Employment Agency and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy through the measure for employment of young people under the age of 29 and Employing Macedonia project.

So far, close to 40 persons have been employed here through these measures, Spasov underlined.

He noted that through these two projects, the first one which lasts one year and eight months, whereat a company that employs is exempt from paying social contributions and personal income for one year, and the second project, which lasts seven months and ten days, so far employed a total of 18.346 people. Of these, only 10.900 are young people under the age of 29, Spasov said.

Spasov announced that they continue with numerous activities aimed at presentation of the two projects that will be implemented by April, and encouraging companies to exploit the benefits that contribute to reducing unemployment and private companies becoming more successful.