ICJ ruling extremely crucial for Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration bid - FM Poposki

The judgement of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which has ruled that Greece breached the 1995 Interim Accord by blocking Macedonia's NATO membership at a summit in Bucharest, was presented Wednesday by Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki as one of ministry's greatest achievements in 2011.

Furthermore, he noted that the decision and its observance were expected to have a positive effect over the country's European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

"Given the fact that Greece's objection was the sole reason hindering a consensus to be reached involving Macedonia's accession to NATO, the country expects Greece to fully abide by the judgement and its international obligations and not to object a future consensus on our membership to NATO," Poposki said.

Greece's technocratic interim government, he underlined, has failed to demonstrate willingness to solve the name issue, claiming its mandate is focused on tackling the economic crisis. "If this is truly the case, then there's no reason Athens not to respect the Hague court's decision," Poposki noted.

"Every future attempt by Greece to block based on the name dispute will be a violation of the international law and the ICJ ruling. Macedonia expects all member states to pay due attention on the decision and to review all of the arguments for Macedonia's membership to NATO. One should also take into consideration the restoration of legal safety in the relations between Macedonia and Greece, which is of huge importance," the FM said in his annual address before the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee.

He said he anticipated NATO member states to accelerate their mechanisms as soon as possible and to review Macedonia's membership issue following the ICJ decision.

By launching accession talks with the EU, the Minister stated that the Hague judgement could play a positive role in solving bilateral differences between Macedonia and Greece.

"Neighbourly relations are a two-way street that don't depend on the will and efforts made by one side only. Rule of law is also one of the main values in the European family that we aspire to fulfil. By further postponing to fix a date for the much-deserved entry talks, we are being distanced from a solution. We believe that start of accession talks with the EU will create a positive climate in this respect," Poposki stressed reiterating that Macedonia was given a recommendation for start of negotiations for third year in a row.

Speaking about relations with other neighbouring countries, FM Poposki pinpointed the signing of agreements with Serbia and Albania allowing citizens to cross borders with IDs.

Referring to the name issue with Greece, he emphasised that Macedonia maintained its stance to resume the UN-brokered talks aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution.

"Bilateral relations with the United States, being our strategic partner, keep on strengthening and we expect the country to support our Euro-Atlantic integration bid," Poposki said.

Realising strategic priorities, NATO and EU membership, developing neighbourly relations, bilateral and multilateral ties, heightening Macedonia's visibility on the international scene through diplomatic activities and taking care of Macedonian minorities abroad are some of the priorities for 2012, according to FM Nikola Poposki. "Next year, Macedonia will hold the chairmanship of the SEE Cooperation Process - the oldest regional initiative," he concluded.