Vice Premier Arifi meets U.S. Ambassador Wohlers

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) judgment can represent a fresh impulse in the name row settlement, which requires will by both parties, agreed United States Ambassador to Macedonia Paul Wohlers and Vice Premier for European Integration Teuta Arifi after Friday's meeting.

"We support the UN-led process. The Hague ruling can give new energy to the process. We will never support an interruption of the name talks. Our position is that both parties need to invest efforts into solving this issue", said U.S. Ambassador Wohlers.

Vice Premier Arifi stressed the U.S. have not set a date for settlement of the name dispute, but only recommended if should be overcome.

"We have no deadline, but were told to contribute in overcoming the name row, especially after the Hague ruling. It could represent a new incentive in reaching a solution together with Greece and move faster in the Euro-Atlantic integration process, where the U.S. administration is ready to provide its support", added Arifi.

Regarding her recent visit to the United States, Arifi said talks focused on the importance of Macedonia's NATO accession.

"We said NATO membership is top priority to Macedonia, as well as our interest to become members and resume name talks. However, this requires will by both parties", emphasized Arifi.

Pertaining to the meeting with Greek counterpart Theodoros Pangalos, scheduled for late December, she said it has been postponed until the start of 2012 upon his request.

"We were duly informed and asked that the meeting is held at the beginning of next year. There is interest for the meeting, but they require a little more time for preparations. I hope the meeting will be held, thus representing a strong signal that both sides want the issue's settlement", underlined Vice Premier Arifi.