Dimovski: Europe to use opportunity for cooperation and investments in SEE region
The region is hungry for investments, which will modernize agricultural production. Our countries understand the importance and give priority to EU integration. Because of this we are intensifying the cooperation aimed at stepping forward in accordance with the European agenda, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply Ljupco Dimovski said Thursday in his keynote speech at Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin.
Dimovski, as current chairman of the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) opened the panel discussion "Food Security through Sustainable Growth – Farming with Limited Resources" and tackle chances and potentials of modernization in agriculture and food-industry in South Eastern Europe. Europe to use the opportunity for cooperation and investments in the South Eastern European region, was his key message.
South Eastern Europe offers new opportunities for the EU market especially when it comes to foreign direct investments mainly stimulated by improved business climate.
All South East European countries made significant progress in political, social and economic spheres. Regional cooperation is one of our main goals. We have obliged to continue to strengthen essential goals, trade, market-oriented economy, improvement of infrastructure, environment, research technology and development, Dimovski said.
Many of the countries in the region have high natural potential for agriculture, health environment, favorable conditions, fertile soil for fruits, wine, grapes and vegetables as well as favorable conditions for investments due to low labour price an production expenses. Further intensification of reforms remains among the priorities. South East Europe has strong agricultural tradition, Dimovski pointed out.
Our GDPs depends more on agriculture than GDP of EU member states. The participation of agricultural land on the other hand compared to overall territory is around 40% which almost the same or bigger from the average in the EU member states. From hereon the economic growth and stability mostly depend on development of agricultural sector and agriculture and food products are important part of foreign trade of South Eastern Europe, he said.
Underlying the importance of EU integration, Dimovski underlined that approximation with Common Agricultural Policy will contribute to improvement of agriculture policies, increase transparency in allocation of resources, modernization of the sector and stability of measures.
He also pointed out the Macedonian agriculture, which participates with 15% in GDP together with food industry and employs around 20% of the total number of employed in the country.
He emphasized Germany as exceptionally important trade partner for the region in agriculture, hoping that the cooperation will continue in the future with same intensity.
Dimovski Thursday evening will attend a reception organized by Ilse Aigner, the German Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in cooperation with Romanian colleague Valeriu Tabara and on Friday will hold bilateral meeting with his Serbian colleague Dusan Petrovic.