Efforts against grey economy increasing: economy, labor ministers
State institutions will employ efforts for lowering of grey economy in the country with series of activities regarding business registration, payment and registration of taxes and workers, as well as increase of inspections, reads the 2012 Action Plan, which the Government adopted at Tuesday's session.
"Trade is the sector where grey economy is most present, both in the fields of tax evasion and unreported workers. There will be serious problems when implementing the Law on Trade, but together with the State Market Inspectorate and other inspectorates we will enhance activities and slowly but surely eliminate grey economy", said Economy Minister Valon Saraqini at Wednesday's press conference.
Grey economy amounted to 40 percent of the GDP in 2005, while analyses and surveys in the course of 2011 showed it has reduced to about 30 percent as a result of the Government's measures.
"It is certain that grey economy will not be uprooted, but we will work on its significant reduction", added Saraqini.
Minister of Labor and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski stressed they would focus on unreported workers and illegal businesses.
"Implementation of the new operational plan of active employment policies has started, including the measure for making informal businesses formal. We expect increased interest for the measure, which has a double benefit - reduction of grey economy and entry of entities in the real system of fees' payment", stressed Ristovski.