Export duties 24/7 at Tabanovce border crossing
Commodity duties are to be carried out at Tabanovce border crossing 24/7 without collection of a fee for terminal stay as of Saturday.
Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski and Customs Administration director Vanco Kargov attended the official launch of activities.
"The construction of motorway to Tabanovce and this investment by the Customs Administration directly assists Macedonian transporters in conducting export duties 24 hours during the day, seven days a week, meaning no loss in time and transferring to other customs offices. Thus, their competitiveness will be improved in these difficult times", said Vice Premier Stavreski.
According to Customs Administration director Kargov, the procedure would significantly reduce the time for export and costs of exporters and transporters.
Customs duties 24/7 have already been introduced at border crossings Bogorodica, Medzitlija, Deve Bair, Delcevo, Novo Selo and Blace.