British - Macedonian Forum on efficient use of EU funds

How efficiently and effectively to use EU funds is the focus of British - Macedonian Forum titled "Building Strategic Partnerships for Efficient Use of EU Funds" which is being held Monday under the aegis of the British Embassy in Skopje.

Deputy PM for EU Affairs Teuta Arifi addressing the forum said that the support for the Republic of Macedonia through EU IPA funds is very serious and partnership from bilateral plan which is given to each of the countries in relation to increase of efficiency of use of the funds is welcoming.

- This project once again proved that Britain is giving large support to EU integration process of the country and it is a serious support for all citizens, Arifi said announcing several activities during this week about informing the public for possibility to use EU funds.

Asked if Macedonian companies are well informed about IPA funds, she said that such events are good opportunity about informing not only companies but also public on possibility to use EU funds.

All present British companies here, British Ambassador Christopher Yvon pointed out, are under the auspices of British Expertise.

- The idea is not so much about percentage related to use of EU funds but about the quality of their use i.e. how Macedonian companies present here and have been already included in EU funded projects to improve their expertise, Ambassador Yvon explained.

Graham Hand, CEO of British Expertise, organisation presented worldwide, informed that the goal is to promote British professional services upon an invitation of the British Embassy, which is very active in promotion of Macedonian economy.

- With our presence here we want to show the importance of Macedonian market for us. Macedonia should be better promoted in my country and other countries in Europe. Competition is not only at a European level, but at a global level as well. I know Macedonia very well although I was British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hand said. He underlined that the Government and British Embassy should continue with efforts to promote Macedonia in the United Kingdom.

- These are difficult times for all countries in Europe however the country should continue to make efforts in increasing the export and growth of economy, Graham Hand said.