Economy Ministry to allocate grants for creative crafts

The Ministry of Economy will announce a public call in the course of February for allocation of grants in the amount of EUR 5,000 for craftsmen.

The funds are to be used for procurement of equipment, tools and materials, as well as vocational training and space design. The call will be open until 1 November.

The Ministry has allocated Denar 1,2 million (EUR 20,000) for this purpose.

"If the project proves to be successful, additional funds would be reallocated", said Minister Valon Saraqini at Monday's press conference.

He stressed crafts have enormous potential in Macedonia, which is not sufficiently utilized.

"We are convinced that crafts' support can lead to new jobs and creation of new innovative products that would be competitive at the domestic, but also the foreign markets", added Saraqini.

He said a National Strategy for Crafts' Development has been designed, which encompasses specific measures, activities and programme for development and support, as well as ways to simplify procedures and reduce costs for craftsmen, their training and education, co-funding of projects, hosting of fora etc.

The Ministry of Economy promoted today project "Authentic Macedonian Craft Product 2012", which provides direct financial assistance to craftsmen, aiming to improve competitiveness and sustainability of crafts.

"European experiences have shown these crafts require stimulative support, since it targets a sophisticated market demand, creating products with high artistic cultural value", said Olivija Sterjova, executive director of the Macedonian Chamber of Crafts.

About 6,000 craftsmen are registered in regional and municipal chambers throughout Macedonia.