The Government & ministries

Structure of the 20th Government of the Republic of North Macedonia


On June 23rd, 2024, the Assembly elected the new Government following the proposal of the newly elected Prime Minister, Hristijan Mickoski.

After the two-days debate on the proposed programme for the work of the Government and its composition, the majority of the members of the Assembly voted in favour of the proposals of the Prime Minister-designate Mickoski for ministers in 20 sectors and three more ministers without portfolio.


List of ministers:

  • Minister of Defence: Vlado Misajlovski
  • Minister of the Interior: Panche Toshkovski
  • Minister of Justice: Igor Filkov
  • Minister of Inter-Community Relations: Ivan Stoilkovikj
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade: Timcho Mucunski
  • Minister of European Affairs: Orhan Murtezani
  • Minister of Finance: Gordana Dimitrieska Kochoska
  • Minister of Economy and Labour: Besar Durmishi
  • Minister of Energy, Mining and Minerals: Sanja Bozinovska
  • Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy: Cvetan Tripunovski
  • Minister of Health: Arben Taravari
  • Minister of Education and Science: Vesna Janevska
  • Minister of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth: Fatmir Limani
  • Minister of Local Self-Government: Zlatko Perinski
  • Minister of Culture and Tourism: Zoran Ljutkov
  • Minister of Digital Transformation: Stefan Andonovski
  • Minister of Public Administration: Goran Minchev
  • Minister of Transport and Communications: Aleksandar Nikoloski
  • Minister of Environment and Physical Planning: Izet Mexhiti
  • Minister of Sport: Borko Ristovski


  • Ministers without Portfolio: Ljupcho Dimovski, Shaban Saliu, Arben Fetai


(First draft, to be supplemented).