Economic Chamber of Macedonia marks its 90th jubilee

If a country wants to attain a sound economy then it is necessary besides successful government also to have successful business community, and the Economic Chamber of Macedonia represents this. It always represents real needs of the companies and significantly influence on development and competitiveness in economy, Deputy PM Vladimir Pesevski said addressing ceremony marking the 90th jubilee of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

The government, which remains strongly committed to improvement of the business climate and investments increase, sees an important partner in the Economic Chamber and continues to cooperate with it.

- The cooperation with the chambers is strengthened and improved, discussions are continuing and we accept their initiatives and requests with greatest respect. This is proven with the fact that over 90 percent of businessmen' viewpoints were incorporated in the government's programme and policies in the past period, Pesevski said, adding that this cooperation and fast reactions of the businesses are one of the key factors to amortize the consequences of the economic crisis.

Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Euro chambers) Alessandro Barberis said that Macedonian Chambers as leading representatives of the business have legitimate and important responsibility more than ever to help the companies in their adjustment towards changeable conditions foreseen with EU integration process.

- Business community must strengthen its role in moving Macedonia towards the EU. The accession process is long-range project where the traveling is as much important as the final destination. If negotiations at the end are in the hands of the political leaders, then our role as business leaders on this traveling is of essential importance, Barberis said.

Macedonian Economic Chamber is established in 1922 and today has around 15.000 members, including one of the largest companies in the country.