PM Gruevski announces construction of new clinical center in Skopje

Premier Nikola Gruevski announced Friday that a new clinical center would be built. The new facility will be located in the center of the already existing clinical center extending on an area of 50.000 square meters.

Most of the existing clinics are planned to be moved there.

An announcement for a project will be issued in April. Construction works are expected to start within a year.

"Several hospitals, clinics and public health institutions across the country are being reconstructed and additional medical equipment should be procured. The clinical center in Skopje will be subjected to a major investment. According to estimations, reconstruction of remaining facilities will cost as much as to build a new, extensive facility," stated Gruevski who was accompanied by Health Minister Nikola Todorov at a ceremony for promotion of two new instruments - Euro 1.4-million angiogram and Euro 1.6-million magnetic resonance (MRI) at the Radiology Clinic.

Construction works should be launched in mid-2013 and are expected to be completed in two years' time at least. "Funds for the construction are expected to be provided by the Council of Europe's Development Bank," PM Gruevski said.

The Radiology Clinic has been equipped with two state-of-the-art instruments. "In recent years, 5.1 million Euros have been invested for modern equipment in the clinic, thus providing excellent conditions for patients from all over Macedonia," the PM noted.

The instruments are part of the project for procurement of medical equipment in amount of approximately 100 million Euros.