Besimi-Ceku: Bilateral and regional cooperation resumes

Defense Minister Fatmir Besimi, who pays an official visit to Kosovo, met Tuesday with Minister of Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Agim Ceku, KSF Commander, Lieutenant-General Kadri Kastrati, as well as Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci.

Besimi and Ceku voiced readiness for continuation of cooperation between the two ministries, both bilaterally and in the framework of regional initiatives.

Minister Ceku stressed at the joint press conference that both countries share excellent cooperation that can serve as a model for other states.

"Today's meeting represents a step forward in intensifying bilateral cooperation. The KSF Ministry is getting prepared for participation in relevant national missions, but also internationally, something that is fully supported by the Republic of Macedonia" said Ceku.

He added they agreed on the training of four Kosovo cadets at the Skopje-based Military Academy, as well as regarding response to emergencies.

DM Besimi said development and sustainability of regional capacities needs to be based on the 'smart defense' concept, for the purpose of unifying and sharing defense and security means.

"A priority for Macedonia's Defense Ministry is achievement of fully open dialogue and good neighborly relations with Kosovo, as well as high degree of cooperation in the defense and security fields of both countries", emphasized Besimi.

He also expressed support to the regional countries' Euro-Atlantic integration, thus contributing to peace and stability in the area and in global terms.

The 2012 plan for bilateral cooperation was also signed, determining possibilities over the use of Macedonian capacities - Krivolak army field, regional communications training center and the military medical center - as well as schooling of Kosovo cadets at the Skopje-based Military Academy. Head of the Defense Ministry Sector for International Cooperation Bekim Maksuti and head of the KSF Ministry Sector for Security and Cooperation, Colonel Ilir Qarixhi signed the plan.

Moreover, Besimi visited the KSF Center for Security Studies within the Land Forces Command.