Minister Besimi visited the training in Popova Shapka

“Sport is one significant and healthy activity for ARM members, and health above all is the main aspect of the psycho-physical capability of the soldiers”, stressed the Minister of Defence, Fatmir Besimi, during the visit of the members of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia at Popova Shapka, where ski training is currently under way, an activity organized together with the Armed Forces of Austria.

During the visit which was realized together with the Chief of General Staff of the ARM, Major General Gorancho Koteski, Minister Besimi noted that ARM members are being trained according to the highest standards, a fact which by itself is also visible through the results that are continuously achieved in domestic and international competitions. “Having in mind today’s competitions in Krushevo, as part of the 10th Biathlon Cup, I wish to note that the ARM members are accomplishing the highest medals at sport competitions, such was the case of the competition in Italy where one of our members won a gold medal”, noted Minister Besimi, who added that he hopes on the successful presentation of the capabilities of the ARM members in the future as well.

This year’s activities of the Ministry of Defence and the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, as the Minister noted, carry the feature of the jubilee “20 Years ARM”, a jubilee where all successes, but also challenges of the ARM, have been embedded.

At the same time, General Koteski added that in addition to today’s visit of the joint training of ARM members and the Armed Forces of Austria, which is running for two weeks, the activities that the ARM is undertaking in assisting and preparing for the “Sharplaninski Cup”, have also been considered.