18 books promoted within government's project for translation of 1,000 vocational books

"Agricultural Economics", "Veterinary Medicine", "Medicinal Plants", "Atmospheric Science", "Water Use and Irrigation Management of Agronomic Crops" are some of the 18 books, which were promoted Friday as part of the government's project for translation of 1,000 textbooks used at world-renowned universities.

They were promoted at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food. Thus far, 562 books have been translated, published and distributed.

PM Nikola Gruevski speaking at Friday's promotion said that the government's strategy for capital projects in higher education was being implemented continuously since 2007.

"With this project, students and professors are provided with translated textbooks, which are being used at top universities, such as Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge," he stated.

Minister of Education and Science Pance Kralev said that the new editions would generate experts with knowledge and skills that were necessary for profitable production and management with natural resources.