Presentation of first national pension certificates to Macedonia artists

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski handed over Saturday the first 40 certificates for national pension to Macedonian artists in line with changes to the Law on Culture.

The move demonstrates the country's care for the works of arts of national authors that have enabled Macedonia to be part of the global cultural treasury.

"Today we are here to talk about the respect, recognition and attention that are being given to the most prominent cultural workers in the Macedonian society. Your works are engraved in many Macedonian books, fine arts items, journalistic articles, theater and ballet performances, poems and legendary verses," Gruevski said, praising their contribution to designing the country's cultural mosaic.

The national pension and national artist title offer recognition to Macedonian prominent artists, whose works of art interweave our past and present, as well as determine our future, Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska said.

Under the new law, artists and other experts, who are also recipients of the awards '11 October'; 'St. Kliment Ohridski' and '23 October', are entitled to monthly compensation, i.e. the difference between their and the highest pension in Macedonia.