Stable regulations and transparent public procurements: AmCham
Implementation of the fourth stage of the regulatory guillotine and predictable regulations, assistance for promotion at neighboring markets, increased transparency in public procurement procedures are the main requirements of companies-members of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Macedonia to the Government.
"Companies would like to see increased transparency in public procurements. I am convinced efforts have been invested in this regard, but regulations should now be implemented and that is where a step forward is required", said Stevan Plavjanski, AmCham board of directors president at Monday's business lunch with Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, Economy Minister Valon Saraqini, and Minister of Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski.
According to Vice Premier Pesevski, the Government remains committed to the dialogue with the business community, as well as enforcement of stable economic policies.
"An interesting, not to say a difficult year lies ahead. External pressures on the economy are felt, which is seen on the budgetary effects and certain macroeconomic indicators", said Pesevski, adding that the commitment to a stable Denar exchange rate, low budget deficit, as well as continual reduction of business taxes remained.
Pertaining to the requirement for stable and predictable business regulations, he said harmonization with the EU law was a priority.
"There are too many law changes to my taste, but this is done if there is a possibility for improvement. They may be unpredictable, but regulations should be beneficial for businesses and harmonized with the EU law", stressed Pesevski, adding activities for attraction of foreign investments resumed.
AmCham Macedonia, established 11 years ago, unites 110 companies employing over 30,000 people, with a profit of over EUR 2 billion in 2011.