Government to subsidize women-managed businesses

Government will subsidize women-managed businesses with Denar 1,56 million (EUR 25,000), said Economy Minister Valon Saraqini on Thursday, adding the programme aimed at stimulating entrepreneurial development of SMEs.

The financial support is intended for procurement of equipment, tools and inventory, improvement of the working space, as well as daycare of pre-school children for women who launch their own business, with 75 percent of kindergarten or babysitting costs to be covered.

"I hope this will stimulate female entrepreneurship, whereas more women will start or manage their own business in the future", said Saraqini at today's press conference.

The projected amount for co-financing ranges between Denar 30,000-200,000 (EUR 500-3,000).

The public call will be announced next week and last until 1 November.