Macedonia's future is in EU, reforms to resume, says Fule
What we are starting here today is a comprehensive process, an active policy of dialogue between us and it is an inclusive framework of reforms that will benefit the citizens, said EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule on Thursday in Skopje at the opening of the EU-Macedonia high level accession dialogue, which is also co-chaired by Premier Nikola Gruevski.
He underscored that the European Commission was convinced that Macedonia's future was in the European Union.
"We want to work together with you in order your EU membership to become a reality. I assure you that I'm committed to supporting your reform process. I'm convinced that your future is in the EU and that together we can accomplish a real sustainable and visible progress in terms of reforms and EU accession," Fule stated.
On his part, PM Gruevski said that the Government was demonstrating a strong political will to continue delivering results in reforms in all areas, voicing hopes that they would be taken into adequate consideration in the country's progress report for 2012.
"I'm convinced that the high level accession dialogue will be a useful tool to accelerate Macedonia's path to EU accession making Macedonia's European perspective and inclination more visible," Gruevski underlined.
He said the goal was to launch membership negotiations as soon as possible by the end of 2012.
"We are aware that it won't happen overnight. A lot of hard work is ahead of us and therefore, this dialogue will instill fresh motivation regarding EU integration. The goal is not to replace the membership talks, but to use the dialogue as a bridge to the negotiations that will inevitably take place," the Macedonian PM stressed.
The five key areas that have been jointly agreed and accepted with the high level dialogue are: rule of law, public administration, freedom of media, electoral legislation and functioning market economy. In addition to a joint action plan, working groups will be formed and meetings of experts on the five key areas will be organised.
The event was attended by several ministers who are in charge of implementing the required reforms and by representatives of the EU delegation in Skopje.
Later in the day, EU Commissioner Fule is scheduled to meet with Vice PM for Europran Affair, Teuta Arifi, party leaders and representatives of the civil society.