Scholarships awarded to 125 IT students

Ministry of Education and Science awarded Saturday 125 scholarships to talented students of Information Technology in public and private universities in Macedonia.

Education Minister Pance Kralev at the ceremony in the government said that the scholarships are awarded with an aim to stimulate achieving better results in studying and acquiring knowledge compatible with the world achievements in the sphere of information technology. The final goal is development of young personnel that will be competitive on domestic and world labour market.

- Quality education, which means knowledge of computer technology and upgrade of computer skills, is prerequisite in realisation of ambitions of the citizens of Macedonia and Macedonian society. Because of this the investment in education and development of IT personnel are one of the priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science, Kralev said.

Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska addressed the students to focus on this phase of their life and to build personal success because they represent leaders of new future that will pass strategic decisions for development of Macedonia as high technological information society.

The recipients of the scholarship will receive 5.500 Denar per month in 9-month’s study.