Macedonia making progress in tackling climate changes - Minister Ademi
Macedonia is making progress in tackling climate changes and in adapting the most vulnerable sectors, it is underlined in conclusions of several documents as well as in the latest report on country's progress on the matter.
This was stated Wednesday by Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi at a closing presentation of results derived from the projects "Protecting Health from Climate Change - a Seven-Country Initiative". He said that a multisectoral analysis on the impact of climate changes, better understanding of social and economic aspects, strengthening of national capacities was needed.
Minister of Health Nikola Todorov said that Macedonia was a leader in implementing the action plan for hot weather i.e. for addressing its consequences. Also, a cold weather action plan is in the works.
"Hence, Macedonia will probably be the only country in the region having two types of action plans focused on tackling negative consequences for the health of citizens," Todorov said.
It has been determined that Macedonia is under a risk of new diseases and weather extremes, such as floods, drought, heat waves, cold weather, which are in fact climate changes. Heat waves are one of the key weather changes affecting first and foremost senior citizens or those chronically ill.
Maria Kishman - Head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Office - said Macedonia was one of the countries that had carried out the project most successfully and on time.