Macedonia investment opportunities presented before Qatar companies

A Government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, also including Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, Minister for Foreign Investments Bill Pavleski, and director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones Viktor Mizo, paid a visit Sunday to several Qatar government companies, agencies and funds, in the framework of promoting Macedonia's economic potentials for attraction of foreign investments and presentation of country's products.

The Macedonian delegation visited Qatar Holding, the country's investment fund in public and private companies in sectors energy, industry and infrastructure, telecommunications and technology, real estate, trade, agriculture and commodities.

Talks with the fund's management team, led by Vice Chairman Hussain Ali Al-Abdulla, and Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Ahmad Mohamed Al-Sayed, focused on the energy sector, i.e. options for investments in project Vardarska Dolina, hydro and thermal plants, as well as power production and transport. Moreover, opportunities for investments in transport corridors and mining, as well as Macedonia's gasification were presented.

Qatar Holding would conduct an in-depth analysis on all aspects and details of the offered projects in the coming period.

The Macedonian team also visited Qatar Diar, a development agency that operates in construction, transport and development projects.

The meeting with the agency's management, led by CEO Mohammed bin Ali Al Hedfa, tackled opportunities for investments in tourism-related projects, including the project of tourism-hospitality development zones along Macedonia's lakeshores - Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran, as well as options for investments in winter resorts Kozuf and Popova Sapka.

"Macedonia offers opportunities for business, it is the most competitive destination for investments, offering low taxes, tax exemptions, proper workforce and other benefits. The result of this Government policy are the two investment waves, one at the end of last year and the other at the beginning of 2012, along with several investment announcements in the course of the year", stressed PM Gruevski at the meetings.

The Government delegation also held a meeting at Hassad Food, the government's agency in the field of agriculture and livestock.

Macedonian officials presented opportunities for investments in the agriculture field and the country's agriculture policy, with emphasis on the possibility for exports of the Macedonian lamb and bottled water.

"We are satisfied from the visit and the interest shown by our hosts. Our intention is to open new opportunities through continual visits and presentations, seek for fresh investments, open new capacities and jobs", said Vice Premier Stavreski.

PM Gruevski is set to meet later today with Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, as well as PM and Foreign Minister, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani.