DM Besimi meets NATO Standardisation Agency Director Aksit

The implementation of standards will enable us to continuously develop an efficient and effective cooperation, Defense Minister Fatmir Besimi said Tuesday at a meeting with NATO Standardisation Agency (NSA) Director Cihangir Aksit.

"You are doing a great job in regards to the standardisation process, something we have been aware of even before our arrival here. The technical work of this process improves the interoperability, which is a benefit by itself," Aksit said.

The implementation of set standards brings dual progress, as they are the same in both EU and NATO, Aksit said.

Commenting the significance of the standardisation process, Besimi underlined the need of introducing procedures for the new NATO 'smart defense' concept in favor of upgrading the overall effectiveness.

Tomorrow, Aksit is scheduled to meet the Macedonian Army Chief of General Staff, Major General Goranco Kotevski.

NSA's role is to initiate, coordinate, support and administer standardization activities conducted under the authority of the NATO Committee for Standardization (NCS).