Macedonia, Croatia enhance culture cooperation

Cooperation among institutions in all culture fields  is at a high level, including numerous exchanges and tours of theatres, exhibitions, projects in cultural heritage protection, assessed Macedonian and Croatian Culture Ministers, Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska and Andrea Zlatar-Violic respectively, at Friday's meeting.

Kanceska-Milevska voiced her conviction after the meeting that cooperation would intensify towards implementing activities within the culture cooperation agreement 2012-2015, signed in Dubrovnik last year.

"The Croatia's Culture Ministry has supported concerts, exhibitions and tour of theatres from Macedonia. We also referred to publishing and cooperation in translations of Macedonian and Croatian authors", she said.

Kanceska-Milevska emphasized the support that the Ministry of Culture is providing to the Croat Community in Skopje and Croatian association "Marko Marulic" in Bitola.

Croatian Minister Zlata-Violic stressed talks tackled certain projects, adding the necessity for institutional communication.

"We attach high importance to continuity in presentation of contemporary Croatian literature in Macedonian language. There are series of themes from modern life that are of common interest", said Zlatar-Violic.

Interlocutors agreed on the importance of culture management and putting cultural heritage in the function of tourism.

The Croatian Minister underlined on the necessity of institutional networking towards creating co-productions for joint presentation in Europe.