Russian investors interested in agricultural purchasing centers in Macedonia

Russian investors from the region of Rostov are interested in constructing purchasing centers for agricultural products in Macedonia, for Macedonian fruit and vegetables and other agricultural produces.

This was stated by Vice PM and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski, who presented on Monday Macedonia's investment opportunities before entrepreneurs in the region of Rostov.

"This is our first day in the Rostov region in Russia. We are not here by chance, because we believe that the Moscow region has been explored significantly. It was decided a presentation of Macedonia's investment opportunities to be made inside Russia. The first day of our Russia visit we are in the Rostov region, one of the most developed regions in the Russian Federation. It was interesting to present what Macedonia is offering to Russian businessmen with respect to foreign investments regarding projects related to energy, real estates, agriculture and so on," Minister Stavreski stated after the presentation at the Rostov Region Chamber of Trade, made up of 650 enterprises.

He noted most businessmen from the region showed interest in boosting cooperation in connection to purchasing centers for agricultural produces. Negotiations are expected to continue.

"I think that Macedonia's offer of fruit, vegetables and other agricultural products is quite interesting. The region is a big market and Macedonia has the opportunity to increase its export of agricultural products. The favourable results yielded in the past couple of years could be improved with a direct foreign investment by opening a purchasing center by Russian investors in Macedonia," stated Stavreski.

Russia is a new interesting market for Macedonian companies, he added.

The government delegation, which also includes Minister for Foreign Investments Bill Pavleski and director of the Directorate for Technological and Industrial Zones (TIRZ), Viktor Miz, are set to visit the region of Krasnodar and Soci.

Minister Bill Pavleski presented projects in the field of agriculture, tourism and construction before interested investors, whereas Mizo spoke about projects related to energy, mineral resources and conditions offered in the technological and industrial zones,

The Rostov region is in southwestern Russia and has a population of 4.3 million inhabitants. It is one of the most developed and richest federal subjects in Russia.

The Republic of Macedonia and the Russian Federation are fostering an intensive economic cooperation. Trade exchange is a dominant form of cooperation standing at over US$700 million in 2011. Most importantly, Macedonian export to Russia marks a record-breaking increase of 140%, while Russia's export to Macedonia is nearly 28.7%.

The two countries in order to advance the overall trade relations signed in 1993 an agreement on trade and economic cooperation between the governments of Macedonia and Russia.

Russian investments in Macedonia last year stand at 5.19 million euros. Given the economic and investing potential of Macedonia, the scope of foreign direct investments is considered small. It is expected Russia to launch an investment cycle in Macedonia, especially in the energy sector.

Russian pharmaceutical holding "Protek Group" has started constructing a plant in Skopje and is planned to be completed in 2015. "Lukoil" oil company is already expanding its businesses across Macedonia.