Environment Minister Ademi, U.S. Ambassador Wohlers collect waste at Vodno
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi, United States Ambassador Paul Wohlers and Centar Mayor Vladimir Todorovic collected Saturday waste at Vodno hill over Skopje, in the framework of April 22 - Earth Day 2012.
The event is organized by the U.S. Embassy to Skopje and Center for Environmental Democracy Florozon.
"We are here to mark Earth Day and gather as many people as we can to Vodno. The United States started to celebrate this day in 1970, when people's environmental awareness was low. Now, after 40 years, people do not even think of throwing waste", said Ambassador Wohlers.
He added the same awareness level should be raised in Macedonia, thus preserving the beautiful nature of Vodno, Matka, Pelister, Tikves region etc.
Minister Ademi said the cleaning of Vodno would contribute to environmental protection, but also raise awareness among citizens.
"The ministry cannot solve this problem alone. We require support, which we are getting from NGOs, municipalities and the international community", he added.
The cleaning campaign included representatives of the Skopje Red Cross, Youth Education Forum, several NGOs etc.