Minister Kralev addresses 8th Bologna Conference in Bucharest

Minister of Education and Science Pance Kralev in the course of his visit to Bucharest, where he takes part at the eight Bologna Ministerial Conference and the third Bologna Policy Forum, delivered an address on Friday titled "The contribution of reforms in higher education to boost the employment rate of graduates."

In his address, Kralev said that Macedonia's higher education offered various study programmes, each having a relevant significance in society, and different perspectives for finding a job, earning, making a headway in career and an opportunity for mobility on the labor market in the country and abroad.

"In Macedonia, there is still a tendency of choosing an occupation for which there is a lack of interest on the labor market. As a result, we are addressing a serious challenge to implement necessary reforms paving the way for a stable development of the society founded on knowledge," Minister Kralev told the conference in Bucharest.

Moreover, he presented the reforms in higher education carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science focused on introducing a national framework of higher education qualifications as a tool for establishing qualifications acquired in Macedonia.

The Minister at the 8th Bologna Ministerial Conference and 3rd Bologna Policy Forum signed the Bucharest Communiqué together with 47 ministers and state secretaries of countries that are members of the European Higher Education Area. The Bucharest Communiqué outlines the main goals in the implementation of the Bologna Process in 2012-2015.