Macedonia hosts SEE digitization meeting
Experience exchange and preparations for transfer from analogue to digital broadcasting, which is to become operational in Macedonia next June, are in the focus of the third technical meeting of project DigiTV for promotion of digitization in countries of Southeast Europe, hosted Tuesday by the Macedonian Broadcasting Council.
Representatives of broadcasting regulatory bodies from Macedonia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro refer to the ongoing activities within the project, funded by EU's IPA funds.
"Media that adapt in time to the new multi-platform environment are guaranteed with digital future, but ones which fail to do this will remain at the sidelines of development", said Minister of Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski in the opening address.
He stressed that the digitization process assumed central spot in the development of new media and media services.
"The Macedonian Radio-Television has begun to digitally broadcast programmes, whereas sophisticated HD equipment is being procured", added Ivanovski.
In order to secure the digitization of commercial TV stations, the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEC) has announced a call for three multiplexes to an operator that will launch digital broadcast in June 2013.
"The future development of media and media services, along with the development of multi-platform environment requires creative and innovative reforms not only in the sector of media, but also in the fields of electronic communications, safety and security, privacy protection, as well as copyrights and other related rights", emphasized Minister Ivanovski.
According to AEC director Robert Ordanoski, Macedonia is a leader in the SEE digitization process, which would yield benefits for users of TV, telephone and broadband internet.