France support increase of capacities on IPA funds use
Macedonia posts solid results with regards to the use of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), but the country needs to increase its capacities towards better use of funds offered by the instrument. This is one of the goals of project "Communication and Visibility for IPA", worth EUR 50,000, provided by the French Embassy to Macedonia, and implemented by the Secretariat for European Affairs.
"I believe we have solid results regarding the use of IPA funds, despite certain statements claiming the opposite. If we enhance our capacities as institutions, as society, as central and local authorities, we can increase the use of these funds", said Vice Premier for European Affairs Teuta Arifi at Thursday's press conference.
French Ambassador Jean-Claude Schlumberger said the project for technical assistance was in the framework of his country's support to Macedonia's Euro-integration.
"Efficiency in informing over the criteria for obtaining and use of IPA funds is very important at state and local level, in order to protect ourselves from non-usage of the European funds", stressed Schlumberger.
The project's first stage includes the development of a strategy, action plan, and handbook on increased visibility of IPA funds. One of its goals is administration training and development of a website providing all required information over the IPA application process.