Successful visit to four Scandinavian countries, goal accomplished, Gruevski says

The visit to four Scandinavian countries – Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway - has been successful and the goal is accomplished, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said.

We held presentations before more than 200 companies in these four countries. We held separate meetings with majority of them and they were interested in details concerning their sectors. I believe that the following months or years some of them will come and start to work on preparations to open companies and do business in Macedonia, Gruevski said.

I saw, he said, that companies here are not informed about Macedonia and advantages the country is offering for investment.

They are not informed about low costs of doing business, signed agreements for free trade with entire Europe, stable macroeconomic situation and other advantages that Macedonia can offer. Many of the companies heard about these matters for the first time and expressed pleasure to visit Macedonia, Gruevski underlined.

Companies in four Scandinavian countries are more interested in seeking new locations for investment in countries which are not part of eurozone or the EU in time when European debt crisis and recession are happening in the EU and the delicate situation with the Euro currency.

The visit to four Scandinavian counters is very important and in the right moment. This was especially emphasised by Swedish Trade Minister who said, "You have come in the right moment because currently our companies are seeking destinations which are outside the danger of eurozone,” Gruevski said.

From political aspect we held meetings with three prime ministers, one president and two vice presidents of parliament and we have presented them conditions in Macedonia connected with the politics and our aspirations to join NATO and EU, Gruevski said.

These are mainly countries who have been supporting Macedonia for NATO and EU membership previously, some of them are NATO member states and some are EU member states, some have no euro currency however they are influential countries both in the Alliance and the EU. The talks and arguments we have presented especially in the part of blackmailing by Greece in connection to the name and our membership in NATO and EU, I believe will contribute in the future in their positions and activities related to support to the Republic of Macedonia, Gruevski emphasised.

Government economic team led by PM Nikola Gruevski accompanied by Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, Ministers for Foreign Investments Vele Samak and Bill Pavleski and deputy director of the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion Hristijan Delev in the past four days visited Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway and presented Macedonia’s investment potentials before interested companies.