ARM Airborne Brigade Day observed

The Republic of Macedonia believes in you and your professionalism and therefore it hands over its sky to you. Without an exception, you respond with courage and commitment, Defense Minister Fatmir Besimi said Tuesday at a ceremony marking the Day of the ARM Aviation Brigade.

Your unit, Besimi added, is a direct witness of the changes occurring in the Macedonian Army. Since its establishment in April 1992, the unit has experienced many transformations.

"The unit is comprised of selected professionals facing specific missions - airborne support to army's maneuver units, being part of NATO, EU and UN-led missions and supporting Macedonian institutions in managing natural disasters and other catastrophes," the minister said.

Our goal, he added, is to improve its airborne capacities and capabilities in supporting land forces.

The ceremony was also attended by former DM Zoran Konjanovski, Deputy-Chief of ARM Staff, Major-General Naser Sejdini, director of ARM Staff, Brigadier-General Dimce Petrovski, Commander of ARM Joint Operative Command, Brigadier-General Metodija Velickovski and other guests.