DM Besimi opens conference "The EU's Contribution to the Security and Involvement of the SEE Countries"
Minister of Defense Fatmir Besimi opened Tuesday a two-day conference titled "The EU's Contribution to the Security and Involvement of the SEE Countries", held in Skopje. It is co-organized by the Ministry of Defense and RACVIAC - Centre for Security Cooperation and supported by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) within the European Commission.
Addresses have been also delivered by the representative of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, Robert Liddell and RACVIAC Director, Ambassador Nikola Todorcevski.
"Our gathering today is a conformation of our separate and common efforts and achievements. Namely, the title itself 'The EU's Contribution to the Security and Involvement of the SEE Countries' refers to the EU's commitment to the region and the acknowledgement of the EU integration processes of Macedonia and the entire region. The event at the same time showcases the progress by the Common Security and Defense Policy since its beginnings and its role in region's integration into Europe," Besimi said in his address.
He voiced his assurance that the event would accentuate the importance of further development of the CSDP in close relations with region's clear European perspective.
"The integration of Balkan countries should be a challenge for all EU countries as it is a challenge for us. In fact, it is a natural process that not only makes the Union stronger and richer, but also it contributes in achieving permanent security in the European continent. In fact, it will complete the process of establishing a United Europe," Besimi stressed.
In the process of marking the 20th anniversary of the Macedonian Army, minister Besimi stated, the successful contribution to building world peace and security by participating in international missions is also observed.
Macedonia is part of the EU Battle group Concept. It participates in the battle group that is at EU's disposal in the second half of 2012.
The conference, which is in the frameworks of the CSDP intended for candidate countries and potential candidates for EU membership from the region of Southeast Europe, aims at acknowledging the EU integration efforts of Macedonia and the region by sharing CSDP's values, developing a common security culture and effective cooperation between the European Union and SEE countries.
The event brings together about 60 representatives of state institutions from the region and Macedonia involved in issues related to the Common Security and Defense Policy.