Wizz Air announces six new flights from Skopje
As of November 2012, Macedonian citizens will be able to fly from Skopje’s Alexander the Great Airport to six new low-cost flights of the Hungarian airline Wizz Air with Government’s subsidies.
Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Jankieski and Deputy Prime Ministers Zoran Stavreski and Vladimir Pesevski announced this at Thursday's press conference presenting the government’s decision to subsiding Wizz Air, company that was chosen as a result of the international tender call to low-cost airlines which offers government subsidies to those willing to operate flights to Macedonian capital.
Wizz Air flights will be subsided over the next 3 years. As of Oct. 28 should launch flights to Milan, Eindhoven, Dortmund and Munch twice a week, as of Oct. 29 flights to Malmo twice a week as well as flights to Basel three times a week as of Oct. 30.