Government team at business forum in Moscow presents investment opportunities in Macedonia

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski before more than 90 representatives of Russian companies and entrepreneurs on Monday in Moscow presented investment opportunities and conditions for starting and running a business in Macedonia.

In his address, Gruevski focused on benefits enabled by the tax policy, saying that Macedonia was offering the lowest tax package in Europe, the Government's press service said.

"World-renowned Forbes and Price Waterhouse have included Macedonia in the top countries according to conditions for running a business and low taxes. If you come to Macedonia, you will be convinced in it and a friendly-oriented government will welcome you with an understanding about the needs of businessmen that is always prepared to meet their needs and interests," Gruevski stressed.

In Macedonia, he added, a firm can be opened only in a matter of hours for which we are one of the best in the world according to the World Bank. At the same time, procedures for construction of business facilities have been facilitated.

"Energy, tourism, agriculture are the areas in which joint interest could be shown through intensive cooperation between our countries. As a result of our good policies, interest has been shown lately by several companies from China, Qatar, India, etc for investments in Macedonia. Several U.S., British, German and Italian companies have opened factories in Macedonia or are in the process of constructing them," PM Gruevski told Russian investors.

Sergey Katyrin, President of Russia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the organizer of the event - praised the activities conducted by the Government aimed at presenting Macedonia's business benefits, saying that the chamber would start encouraging Russian businessmen to realize investments in Macedonia.

The forum was also addressed by the Deputy Minister for Regional Development and vice-president of the Mixed Macedonian-Russian Intergovernmental Economic Commission, Maxim Travnikov, who put an emphasis on energy in his speech.

"Russia has invested in energy in Macedonia and the next step that needs to be made is to include Macedonia in the South Stream project and to start the construction of a gas pipeline system in the country," Travnikov noted.

Vice PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski and the minister in charge of attracting foreign investments, Bill Pavleski delivered addresses at the forum as well referring to investment opportunities in tourism, automotive and pharmaceutical industry and agriculture.

On Tuesday, the Macedonian government delegation will attend a business forum in the city of Vladimir, where a meeting is scheduled with Vladimir Region Governor Nikolai Vinogradov .

On Wednesday, Macedonia's business conditions will be presented before businessmen in Nizhny Novgorod and the delegation will hold a meeting with Nizhny Novgorod Region Governor Valery Shantsev.

On Thursday and Friday, the government delegation will take part at a business forum organised by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The delegation will also meet managing teams of Gazprom, Stroytransgaz and Lukoil companies.

PM Gruevski will open Macedonia's honorary consulate in St. Petersburg and meet Leningrad Region Governor Alexander Drozdenko.

The Republic of Macedonia and the Russian Federation established diplomatic relations on Jan. 31, 1994. Political relations between the two countries are characterized by positive trend in all spheres of mutual interest.

Further intensifying of cooperation in economy, agriculture, culture, education and other sectors is expected at the 6th session of Inter-governmental Commission for Trade, Economic, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, which will be held July 2-3, 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod.