PM Mickoski met the former director of US National Intelligence, Grenell

The President of the Government Hristijan Mickoski, accompanied by the Foreign Minister, Timcho Mucunski, had a meeting with the former director of US National Intelligence, Richard Grenell. 
At the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the developments in the Western Balkans region while underlining the importance of maintaining peace, security, stability and deepening the relations and cooperation between the countries of this part of Europe. Special emphasis was placed on the relations between the USA and the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as the opportunities for their further reinforcement. 
Furthermore, they analysed the opportunities for utilizing the potentials of future joint investments in projects which are of importance for the region. In that regard, the parties discussed the opportunity for possible American participation in the energy project “Chebren” which is of strategic importance for energy independence of the country. 
The President of the Government, Hristijan Mickoski, expressed particular appreciation to Mr. Grenell for his commitment to the overall relations between both countries. Furthermore, he underlined that the Government remains fully committed to deepening the strategic cooperation with special emphasis to the areas of rule of law, economy, and energy.