U.S. to assist Macedonia in law implementation
A letter of compliance on implementation of laws between the Macedonian and U.S. government was signed this Thursday in Skopje. It establishes and provides support in further strengthening the rule of law and increasing public trust in the institutions of Macedonia's legal system.
The letter was signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Gordana Jankuloska, the Minister of Justice Blerim Bexheti, and the U.S. Ambassador in Macedonia, Paul Wohlers.
“The document - Minister Jankuloska said, is a normative framework of a large and much needed project that is supported by the United States financially and institutionally.”
"The document includes a series of concrete activities and tasks related to several segments of internal affairs and judiciary, which need to be conducted in the next couple of years in tackling organised crime and corruption," she added.
“The assistance – Ms. Jankuloska added, involves a proactive approach in the part of investigating and effective criminal prosecuting, determining the responsibility of the perpetrators and their punishment as well as in advancing the public security and good governance.”
"The document, signed today, means improved professionalism for the Macedonian police force, while the benefit from it will be felt by the institutions and the entire society," Ms. Jankuloska noted.
The Minister of Justice Bexheti said the signing of the letter of compliance represented a continuation in the successful cooperation with the U.S.
The United States Ambassador Wohlers stated that he strongly supports the efforts of Macedonia to strengthen the rule of law. "They will bring Macedonia closer to NATO and EU membership, boost the number of jobs and attract more foreign investments."
"The police, prosecutors and judges must be prepared to achieve success. They must master new skills, use new tools and acquire fresh knowledge. The legislator and other elected officials should be committed to the development of a legal framework for harmonising with European standards and international practices on providing equal access to transparent and timely justice," Wohlers said.
The project envisages trainings, equipment, technical assistance and an expertise for the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, the Ministry of Justice, the public prosecutor's office and judiciary.