Gruevski promotes new laboratories, sports hall

PM Nikola Gruevski and Education Minister Pance Kralev promoted Saturday in Bitola new laboratory of traffic and transport and foreign language learning lab at technical faculty and also opened new sports hall within secondary medical school "Dr. Jovan Kalauzi."

Gruevski said that the power of sport and its influence in the society is felt through a quality sport matches and games of the Macedonian national teams.

We will continue to invest in new sport terrains aimed at all our citizens especially younger people to have adequate place to practice sport and to develop in real athletes, Gruevski said.

The government in the past years realized several large projects as 35 sports halls, 50 football playgrounds, 145 school sports halls and 100 tennis courts by which the image of the Macedonian sport was essentially changed, he added.

New sports hall within secondary medical school "Dr. Jovan Kalauzi" has an area of 1.300 sqm and space for up to 400 spectators.

Education Minister Kralev that Denar 40 million has been invested for the construction of the new sports hall, funds provided by Council of Europe Development Bank and the budget of the Republic of Macedonia as well as with the assistance of Bitola municipality.