Cornerstone laying ceremony for multi-storey car park in downtown Skopje
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, along with Skopje and municipality Center Mayors, Koce Trajanovski and Vladimir Todorovic respectively, marked Monday the a start of construction of multi-storey car park in downtown Skopje.
The multi-storey car park will be built on an area of 8.438 square meters, offering parking lots to 189 cars. The EUR3.9 million-project should be completed in 12 months.
Providing a sufficient number of parking lots is a challenge for all larger cities across the globe, Gruevski said at the cornerstone-laying ceremony.
"For several years it has also been a challenge for Skopje...This and other projects - construction of streets, boulevards and parking lots - the City of Skopje keeps developing as a modern, functional capital of our country," Gruevski said.
The multi-storey car park with seven above and two underground floors. The construction of this multi-storey car park is envisaged by a large-scale project for building of seven such garages in Skopje.