Fule: Political situation puts into question Macedonia's capability to meet one of Copenhagen Criteria

The current political situation is challenging Macedonia's capability to meet one of the Copenhagen Criteria related to the maturity of institutions, which is vital for advancing the country's EU integration process, Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule told Wednesday in Brussels to Vice-Premier for European Affairs Fatmir Besimi.

"Fule's message is clear, being identical with the yesterday's statement of the EU Office in Skopje. What we should do is to remain committed to the reform agenda and all political stakeholders in the country to focus on the state's and citizens' interest, which means Macedonia to move forward on the road to the EU membership," Besimi told MIA after meeting the EU Enlargement Commissioner.

Today Besimi also held talks with the European Parliament's Rapporteur for Macedonia, Richard Howitt, and Alexandra Cas-Granje, Director at the Directorate General for Enlargement.

All talks addressed the tasks within the Macedonia-EU High-Level Accession Dialogue (HLAD), EC spring report on and current political developments in the country.