Campaign for keeping children safe online


The Government, in cooperation with the HGO and private sectors, launched Sunday a 'Safe Browsing' campaign, aimed at reducing the risks of Internet use through education of elementary and high school pupils as the most vulnerable category having an access to Internet content, but also of parents, teachers and the public in recognizing abuse cases.

The key activity of the campaign is the possibility for parents to install software for controlling children's usage of Internet. It also foresees distribution of booklets and posters about the online risks children are exposed to, as well as advices, recommendations for the parents.

It is very important to protect children and educate them to know who they chat with on the other side, as false identification is usually used for posting of pornographic material online, Minister of Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski said.

The Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK) launched a website, which will enable parents' surveillance of their children's online activities at all times.

In order to enjoy the Internet one should be able to make a difference between accurate and false contents, as well as understand the meaning of the terms privacy and reputation, said the Minister of Education and Science, Pance Kralev.

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski said the virtual world offered both new possibilities and risks to everybody.

"Let's stay aware that as parents/guardians we are always the front, rare and best line for protection of our children," Ristovski said.

The campaign also includes a tour of all elementary and high schools in Macedonia, starting next Friday from Veles.

International surveys find that 7.5 million Facebook users are younger than 13, in violation of the company's terms of service, and that more than 5 million are 10 or younger. Facebook's terms of service require that users be at least 13 years old to use the site.