New accelerator at Oncology clinic in Skopje
Radiology and Oncology Clinic today promoted the new three million accelerator.
- An immense job has been completed especially because the utility of the other two accelerators soon expires and there will be a new tender announcement for supply. I can say that significant work has been completed, the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said at his visit to the Clinic and the promotion of the new apparatus.
He reminded that purchase contracts for Bitola and Stip has also been signed. The construction of the bunker has already started in Bitola. The construction of the placing spot of the camera will begin very soon.
Според Груевски, со набавката на медицинската опрема во вредност од околу 100 милиони евра се врши сериозна промена во македонското здравство.
According to Gruevski, the purchase of 100 million euros worth medical equipment makes a serious change in the Macedonian health.