Ristovski: Cases of parenthood discrimination to be reported
All female employees who were discriminated by their employer on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood to report the cases on phone number 15 131 or 15 505 or to submit report to the State Labour Inspectorate aimed at state to successfully cope with this occurrence, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare appeals.
Not a single report has been submitted to the State Labour Inspectorate so far on this basis although unofficial information say that females are discriminated during employment interviews regarding their pregnancy, marital status, Labour Minister Spiro Ristovski said at Saturday's press conference adding that campaign for raising public awareness related to this problem will be realised.
If female employees are not encouraged to report cases, then fight against this type of discrimination is impossible, although legal changes are adopted, he said.
According to the changes to the Labour Relations Law, the employer must not terminate the employment contract of the female employee during the period of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood or absence for the purpose of taking care of children. If the work will cause significant risk to the health of the mother and the child, employer is obliged to inform the female employee on the danger at workplace; the female employee must not work overtime or at night during her pregnancy or until a child reaches 1 year of age, Ristovski said.
21% of 1.000 respondents answered to be discriminated during job interview and 66% answered that their respond directly influenced their employment, analysis taken last year shows.