Macedonia, Brazilian state of Parana agree to cooperate
On Thursday, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the Brazilian city of Curitiba held a meeting with the vice governor of the federal state of Parana, Flávio Arns. Interlocutors at the meeting expressed political will to advance the countries' relations in every sphere of mutual interest and to develop cooperation in many fields.
Gruevski underlined the efforts made to present Macedonia's investment opportunities, which was fully supported by local authorities.
"We've held talks with the local authorities first before meeting with businessmen. Our goal is to bring Macedonia closer to them, to learn more about the country and to start opening a business with Macedonia," Gruevski said.
Gruevski and Arns discussed ways to collaborate in the field of economy, agriculture and agro-business, to boost foreign exchange and investments as well as to build a platform for dynamic cooperation in the field of education.
The PM underscored the reforms implemented in Macedonia in improving the business climate and conditions offered to potential foreign investors. He also referred to educational reforms instigating an initiative for cooperation in the sphere of education.
The federal state of Parana is characterized with highly developed agriculture and agro-business, automotive industry and information technologies, whereas the capital Curitiba is one of the largest economic and industrial centers in Brazil.
Vice governor Arns said Parana was interested in establishing successful relations with Macedonia.
"This is an essential visit for establishing cordial relations and it will be in favour both for Brazil and Macedonia. Starting right now, we will attempt to strengthen these relations and hopefully, cooperation will be established in trade, education and many other areas that are of mutual interest for the two countries," Arns noted.