Conference on local social dialogue
Setting up of local economic and social councils in the municipalities and opening of more jobs in Macedonia is the goal of Wednesday's conference "Local Social Dialogue in Macedonia - Challenges and Needs", organised by the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, supported by the USAID.
Support has been provided through the USAID's Youth Employability Skills Network Activity for establishing local economic councils and practices that need to be implemented in other municipalities as well.
U.S. Ambassador Paul Wohlers said that a dialogue between the Government, employers and employees was necessary in order to harmonise the demands of the labour market with their qualifications and skills.
Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov said that efforts would be made to promote local social dialogue in several municipalities.
"To strengthen youth employability skills and to improve supply and demand of the workforce at a local level is our priority in boosting youth efficiency," Spasov noted.
The president of the Federation of Trade Unions, Zivko Mitrevski thanked the Government, the US and the USAID and the Association of Local Self-Government Units for supporting the organisation in its campaign focused on local, social and economic dialogue.
"This topic is very important especially in times of crisis which has gripped the world. We believe that by creating local, economic and social policies with the inclusion of all social partners many perspectives will be opened for the municipalities," said Mitrevski.
Activities conducted by the local economic and social councils in Stip, Strumica, Kumanovo and Prilep were presented at the conference alongside those of the National Economic and Social Council and the Employment Agency.